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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:16-2035 Docketed: 06/10/2016
Termed: 01/29/2019
Lawrence M. Watson v. Robert L. Wilkie
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: dfh
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

08/29/2018 Open Document Notice of Amy F. Odom to withdraw as counsel (SAT)
09/11/2018 Open Document RECEIVED: Notice of Jill C. Davenport to withdraw as counsel--[Edited 09/13/2018 by ARW] (SAT)
09/11/2018 Open Document Notice of Jill C. Davenport to withdraw as counsel--[Edited 09/13/2018 by ARW] (SAT)
09/24/2018 Open Document Mot of Appellant to continue stay of proceedings until 10/24/2018 at 11:59 pm (SAT)
09/25/2018    Clerk's stamp ord granting, nunc pro tunc to 9/24/18, appellant's motion to continue stay until 10/24/18 (ARW)
10/24/2018 Open Document Notice by Appellant to the Court regarding substitution--[Edited 10/25/2018 by ARW] (SAT)
11/07/2018 Open Document ORDERED, by the PANEL, that the March 24, 2016, Board decision is VACATED, and the appeal is DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction. (DAVIS, MEREDITH and TOTH) (ARW)
11/29/2018 Open Document Judgment (ARW)
01/29/2019 Open Document Mandate (ARW)
01/29/2019    Case Closed 16-2035 Mandate (ARW)