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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:16-4134 Docketed: 10/14/2016
James R. Rudisill v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: fee paid
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

02/03/2022 Open Document RECEIVED: Order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 2/3/22; (ORDERED THAT: (1) The petition for panel rehearing is denied. (2) The petition for rehearing en banc is granted. (3) The panel opinion in Rudisill v. McDonough, 4 F.4th 1297 (Fed. Cir. 2021) is vacated, and the appeal is reinstated.) (ARW)
12/15/2022 Open Document RECEIVED: Judgment accompanied by opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 12/15/2022 (REVERSED)--[Edited 12/15/2022 by JM] (JM)
02/06/2023 Open Document RECEIVED: Mandate from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 02/06/2023. (RECALLED per CAFC's 6/4/2024, order)--[Edited 06/05/2024 by RW] (JM)
09/13/2023 Open Document RECEIVED: Correspondence from CAFC (RW)
05/02/2024 Open Document Appearance of Danielle D. Brown for Denis McDonough, in case 16-4134 as lead counsel (DB)
06/04/2024 Open Document RECEIVED: Order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 6.4.2024; ORDERED THAT:(1) The mandate of this court issued on February 6, 2023, is recalled, the appeal is reinstated, and this court’s December 15, 2022, opinion and judgment in Case No. 20-1637 are vacated. (2) The case is remanded to the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims to award relief to Mr. Rudisill in accordance with the Supreme Court’s judgment. The mandate shall issue 14 days from the date of this order.--[Edited 06/05/2024 by RW] (RW)
06/18/2024 Open Document RECEIVED: Mandate from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 6/18/2024 (TM)
07/08/2024 Open Document Appearance of Lilian Leifert for Denis McDonough, in case 16-4134 as lead counsel (LL)
07/26/2024 Open Document The panel of judges established by this Court has determined that this appeal should proceed before a single judge. Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is ORDERED that the panel is dissolved, and the matter will proceed before Chief Judge Bartley as a single judge. On behalf of the panel, this case is returned to Chief Judge Bartley (DB)
07/26/2024 Open Document Memorandum Decision that the Court REVERSES the July 14, 2016, Board decision denying Mr. Rudisill entitlement to more than 10 months and 16 days of education benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill and REMANDS the matter for readjudication consistent with the Supreme Court's Rudisill decision. (BARTLEY) (RW)