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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:18-3856 Docketed: 07/23/2018
Termed: 11/24/2020
Cecil E. Hembree v. Robert L. Wilkie
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: dfh
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

01/09/2020 Open Document It is ORDERED that this Court's order entered on January 7, 2020, is hereby amended as follows: In the judge listing, change "Before GREENBERG, TOTH, and FALVEY" to "Before ALLEN, TOTH, and FALVEY." In the dated line, change "January 7, 2019" to "January 7, 2020." (GOB) (DB)
02/04/2020 Open Document It is ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 34 of the Court's Rules of Practice and Procedure, that oral argument is set for Wednesday, April 8, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. in the Patrick F. McCartan Courtroom, at Notre Dame Law School located at 1170 Eck Hall of Law in Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. Counsel for the parties are allotted 30 minutes each for presentation of argument. (GOB) (DB)
03/13/2020 Open Document At the direction of the Court, it is ORDERED that the Court's order entered on February 4, 2020, scheduling oral argument for Wednesday, April 8, 2020, at 12:30 p.m. in the Patrick F. McCartan Courtroom, at Notre Dame Law School located at 1170 Eck Hall of Law in Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 is revoked. Due to health-related concerns associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, oral argument in this case is now canceled, subject to rescheduling in the future as the business of the Court permits. Questions from the parties regarding rescheduling or alternative arrangements should be directed to the Clerk of the Court ( (GOB) (KM)
03/26/2020 Open Document It is ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 34 of the Court's Rules of Practice and Procedure, that oral argument is set for Wednesday, June 10, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. via teleconference before the panel of Judges Allen, Toth, and Falvey. Counsel for the parties are allotted 30 minutes each for presentation of argument. It is further ORDERED that counsel should be prepared to call into oral argument thirty minutes prior to the start of oral argument. Additional administrative instructions will follow. (GOB) (DB)
06/10/2020    Case argued before Judges Allen, Toth, and Falvey. (DB)
08/31/2020 Open Document Opinion that the he Board's May 7, 2018, decision is AFFIRMED. (ALLEN, TOTH and FALVEY) (KEM)
09/10/2020 Open Document It is ORDERED that this Court's opinion entered on August 31, 2020, is hereby amended as follows: In the third line prior to the Analysis section on page three, change the date from "June 2009" to "June 2008." (GOB) (DB)
09/22/2020 Open Document Judgment (ARW)
11/24/2020 Open Document Mandate (KEM)
11/24/2020    Case Closed 18-3856 Mandate (KEM)