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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:19-4633 Docketed: 07/08/2019
Richard C. Bareford v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: fee paid
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

04/26/2022 Open Document PER CURIAM ORDERED that the motion for reconsideration by the panel is denied. It is further ORDERED that the motion for full-Court consideration is held in abeyance pending further order of the Court. PIETSCH, Judge, concurring. FALVEY, Judge dissenting. (BARTLEY, PIETSCH and FALVEY)--[Edited 04/26/2022 by NK] (NK)
06/01/2022 Open Document ORDERED that the appellant, within 30 days after the date of this order, file a response to the Secretary's motion for full-Court review. (GOB) (NK)
06/30/2022 Open Document Appellant's Brief in Opposition to the Secretary's Motion for Full Court Review (NK)
08/11/2022 Open Document PER CURIAM ORDERED that the motion for full Court review is denied. It is further ORDERED that the Secretary's motion to stay the precedential effect of the panel decision is held in abeyance pending further order of the Court. FALVEY, Judge, with whom ALLEN, Judge, joins, dissenting. (BARTLEY, PIETSCH, GREENBERG, ALLEN, TOTH, FALVEY, LAURER and JAQUITH) (SM)
09/16/2022 Open Document PER CURIAM ORDERED that the Secretary's March 18, 2022, opposed motion to stay the precedential effect of Bareford v. McDonough, 35 Vet.App. 171 (2022), is denied. It is further ORDERED that, in accordance with Rule 36 of the Court's Rules, judgment is entered and effective the date of this order. (BARTLEY, PIETSCH and FALVEY) (NK)
09/16/2022 Open Document Judgment (NK)
11/14/2022 Open Document Appellee's Notice of Appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (NK)
11/21/2022 Open Document Appellee's Notice of Appeal transmitted to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit--[Edited 11/21/2022 by NK] (NK)
11/29/2022 Open Document RECEIVED: Notice of Docketing from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 11/29/2022; (23-1189) (MA)
04/29/2024 Open Document RECEIVED: Order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 4/29/24; [DISMISSED]; issued as a mandate dated 4/29/24 (NK)