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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:20-5411 Docketed: 08/04/2020
Stanley L. Davis v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: dfh
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

03/01/2022 Open Document It is ORDERED that this case is submitted to the panel of Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Meredith and Laurer for decision. (DB)
03/01/2022 Open Document On March 1, 2022, this case was submitted to the panel of Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Meredith and Laurer for decision. Judge Meredith has recused herself from the panel in this case. It is ORDERED that Judge Falvey is designated in her stead. This case is now submitted to the panel of Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Falvey and Laurer. (GOB) (DB)
03/15/2022 Open Document This case was submitted to a panel consisting of Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Falvey and Laurer for decision on March 1, 2022. Pursuant to Rule 34 of the Court's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the Clerk will schedule oral argument as the business of the Court permits. (DB)
03/18/2022 Open Document It is ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 34 of the Court's Rules of Practice and Procedure, that oral argument is set for Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. before the panel of Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Falvey and Laurer. Whether oral argument will be held in person or remotely will be determined at a later time, with early notice given to the parties. Counsel for the parties are allotted 30 minutes each for presentation of argument. (DB)
05/24/2022    Case argued before Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Falvey and Laurer. (DB)
05/31/2023 Open Document Opinion for review by panel that the parties' briefs, oral argument, the record on appeal, and the governing law, the Court AFFIRMS the July 8, 2020, Board decision that found that a December 2018 NOD was not timely filed. BARTLEY, Chief Judge, filed the opinion of the Court. FALVEY, Judge, filed a concurring opinion. (BARTLEY, FALVEY and LAURER) (SNT)
06/22/2023 Open Document Judgment (SNT)
08/18/2023 Open Document Appellant's Notice of Appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (KHD)
08/31/2023 Open Document Appellant's Notice of Appeal transmitted to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (SNT)
09/07/2023 Open Document RECEIVED: Notice of Docketing from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit dated 09-07-2023; case number 23-2363. (SNT)