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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:21-3467 Docketed: 05/24/2021
Gary L. Ferko v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: dfh
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

05/05/2023 Open Document Notice of nonconforming documents to appellant; proceedings are stayed for 7 days from the date of this notice to allow you to submit a document that conforms to Court Rules. (MAB)
05/12/2023 Open Document Appellant's Supplemental Brief --[Edited 05/15/2023 by JC] (ME)
06/22/2023    Case argued before Judges Toth, Laurer, and Schoelen. (DB)
01/09/2024 Open Document It is ORDERED that this case is submitted to the en banc Court. (RG)
03/06/2024 Open Document Notice of Debra L. Bernal to withdraw as counsel (DLB)
05/28/2024 Open Document Opinion: The Court VACATES the June 12, 2020, Board decision and REMANDS the matter for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. The appeal of the Board Chairman's March 4, 2021, denial of reconsideration is DISMISSED. (TOTH) Judges concuring, (BARTLEY, PIETSCH, GREENBERG, ALLEN, MEREDITH, FALVEY, LAURER and JAQUITH) (JC)
05/28/2024 Open Document RECALLED: Judgment (JC)
05/28/2024 Open Document ORDERED that the May 28, 2024, judgment is recalled. (JC)
06/20/2024 Open Document Judgment (JC)
07/22/2024 Open Document EARLY application for atty's fees under EAJA. (JC)