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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:22-3726 Docketed: 06/22/2022
Terry L. Hamilton v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: fee paid
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

11/08/2023 Open Document It is ORDERED that Judge Greenberg is designated in Judge Meredith's stead. This case is now submitted to the panel of Judges Greenberg, Allen, and Toth. It is further ORDERED pursuant to Rule 34 of the Court's Rules of Practice and Procedure, that oral argument is set for Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. before the panel in the Frank Q. Nebeker Courtroom at Suite 900, 625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004, subject to change at the Court's discretion. Counsel for the parties are allotted 30 minutes each for presentation of argument. (DB)
11/17/2023 Open Document PER CURIAM ORDERED that the parties be prepared to discuss the foregoing issues at oral argument. (GREENBERG, ALLEN and TOTH) (BB)
01/22/2024 Open Document Appearance of Drew A Silow for Denis McDonough, in case 22-3726 as co-counsel (DAS)
01/23/2024    Case argued before Judges Greenberg, Allen, and Toth (DB)
05/23/2024 Open Document Opinion that the Board decision is vacated and remanded (GREENBERG, ALLEN and TOTH) GREENBERG, Judge, concurring in the judgment: (BB)
06/13/2024 Open Document Motion of Appellee for reconsideration (MJH)
06/17/2024 Open Document It is ORDERED that this Court's opinion entered on May 23, 2024, is hereby amended as follows: In the tenth line of the first paragraph on page five, change "hade" to "had."--[Edited 06/17/2024 by BB] (DB)
06/26/2024 Open Document PER CURIAM ORDERED that the Secretary's June 13, 2024, motion for reconsideration is denied. (GREENBERG, ALLEN and TOTH) (BB)
06/26/2024 Open Document Judgment (BB)
07/11/2024 Open Document Appearance of Danielle M Gorini for Terry L. Hamilton, in case 22-3726 as co-counsel (DMG)