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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:21-3218 Docketed: 05/12/2021
Lewis Brown v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: dfh
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

07/20/2023 Open Document Response by Appellant (KHD)
09/19/2023    Case argued Chief Judge Bartley and Judges Pietsch and Laurer. (DB)
10/27/2023 Open Document Notice or other pleading by Appellant solze (KHD)
11/02/2023 Open Document PER CURIAM: ORDERED that within 21 days of this order, the parties respond to the Court’s order, address the Court’s jurisdiction, and provide any documents necessary to support their contentions. (BARTLEY, PIETSCH and LAURER) (JM)
11/08/2023 Open Document Joint motion for a 45-day ext of time to respond to the Court's 11/2/2023 order (NPK)
11/13/2023 Open Document For the Panel: Judge's stamp order granting the Joint motion for a 45-day extension of time to respond to the Court's 11/02/2023 order until 01/11/2024. (BARTLEY, PIETSCH and LAURER)--[Edited 11/13/2023 by JM] (JM)
01/11/2024 Open Document Response by Appellee to the Ct's 11/2/23 Order (NPK)
01/11/2024 Open Document Response by Appellant (KHD)
07/08/2024 Open Document The panel of judges established by this Court has determined that this appeal should proceed before a single judge. Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is ORDERED that the panel is dissolved, and the matter will proceed before Judge Laurer as a single judge. On behalf of the panel, this case is returned to Judge Laurer. (DB)
07/08/2024 Open Document Memorandum Decision that the Court DISMISSES the appeal of the Board’s May 3, 2021, order. (LAURER) (JM)