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General Docket
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Case Number:22-3957 Docketed: 07/01/2022
Bruce Moseby Brack v. Denis McDonough
Appeal From: Department of Veteran Affairs
Fee Status: fee paid
Case Type Information:
     1) NOA - Veterans Appeal
     2) -
     3) -

11/28/2023    Case argued before Judges Toth, Laurer, and Jaquith. (DB)
04/24/2024 Open Document Opinion that accordingly, the Court AFFIRMS the March 8, 2022, Board decision. (TOTH, LAURER and JAQUITH) Jaquith, Judge, opinion concurring in the judgment. (JC)
05/07/2024 Open Document Motion of Appellant for extension to file Motion for Reconsideration (KHD)
05/09/2024 Open Document For the Panel: Judge's stamp order granting motion of Appellant for extension to file Motion for Reconsideration until 6/5/2024 (TOTH) (JC)
06/06/2024 Open Document Judgment (SM)
06/27/2024 Open Document Notification of Appellant's Death and of Widow's Intent to Request Substitution (KHD)
07/10/2024 Open Document ORDERED that the appellant's counsel, within 20 days after the date of this order, provide a copy of the death certificate and show cause why the Court's June 6, 2024, judgment should not be recalled, the Court's April 24, 2024, opinion withdrawn, the March 8, 2022, Board decision vacated and this appeal dismissed. Proceedings on this appeal are stayed until further order of the Court. (CMB) (JC)
07/25/2024 Open Document Response by Appellant to Court's July 10, 2024 Order (KHD)
07/26/2024 Open Document Motion of Appellant to substitute party Priscilla Brack, surviving spouse of Bruce Brack (KHD)
07/26/2024 Open Document Motion of Appellant to Recall Judgment (KHD)